
This might come as a shock to some, but I am quitting this project. Basically, I realised that I don’t like promoting stuff for consumer use. I dislike inspiring people to buy stuff that they don’t need. I have approximately 1235r4742179532158 other ideas for projects in the very near future, and I would rather be working…

a Change of Pace!

Good morning people of the Internet – I hope you are well. This is just a quick update: Previously I stated that I would upload new reviews every Monday, Wednesday & Friday. I quickly realised that my coffins aren’t ass bottomless as I thought (would be nice, though) and so I am forced to reconsider…

1 week & 27 followers later!

I didn’t plan on making this post, but when I logged on today and saw how many people have taken the time to follow the blog (all in just one week!), my pants dropped. Or, eerr, I didn’t actually wear any at the time, but you know… I just want to throw a quick &…